Friday, August 29, 2008

We're moved to Hannam Village!

Finally! w00t! Just letting everyone know we're finally moved. I love it here so far.. of course I have my husband with me at the moment, took a week of leave so we could get settled. Figured I would post some pics of the new place. I started school back on Monday so things are a little hectic, but feels good to be in a hectic lifestyle again! I miss work for sure!

Here's some pics of the new house:
Dining Room From Living Room
Our housewarming gift to US! 50" Plasma.. w00t!

Dining room Balcony, and our PIMP ride

Chey's Room


Our Building


Dining Room

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The field + OCONUS = Miserable

So, here I am again people. Freedom's in the field, and I'm sitting here with nothing to do.. Boohoo poor me..haha. Seriously though, I'm so out of it lately. School doesn't start back until the 25th. It's amazing how quickly you take for granted the people in your life and your lifeline's until it's all gone.

Back in March I would've said, man get me out of this place! Ahhhhhhhh... I miss being able to work (even with the drama in the office), I miss Rachel, I miss the kids and I miss my car! Randomly I remember back to driving home from work on Friday in my baby with the music as loud as it would go and having Rachel come over for the night. I guess this lifestyle can most definitely make you try to not take things for granted.

I have my husband here, thank god. Main reason I came, even though he feels my depression and also my loneliness and there is nothing he can do about it the majority of the time. I will always sacrifice to be with him wherever the Army takes us until he retires, but I guess this being our first PCS as a married couple.. and it being overseas it really can take a toll on you.

Rachel has always been there for me back in the states, when I was in a shitty mood, she picked me right back up. It's amazing how a friend can do that and for 8 years, she has. From crazy wild times, her having Paxton to me having Cheyanne to Naavah. She truly is that one friend in your life that I can never let "drift" away. We never had to feel as if we were entertaining the other if they visited, we were just that comfortable around each other. After this long I guess I see why now. We've went from teenagers to adults practically. We grew up and grew out together. I feel blessed to have her in my life and I miss her very very much.

I'm not the easiest person to be around but she is my one sole confidant when it comes to friends and will always be. Thank goodness we still talk every day or else I'd go crazy here.

I guess right now I'm trying to stay positive for when he gets out of the field on the 24th, he left on the 5th. I am very grateful it's not a deployment but it can get to a girl quite a bit being in a different country. Getting kind of excited for when I move. But reality always sets in when you realize you are in the military life when friends come and go and you never knew who was real and who wasn't. And what's worse is that the one's in the military already know you're going to leave soon or vice versa, so it almost makes it difficult to invest all that you have into a friendship without getting hurt once the other leaves nor do you have the time to learn someone completely.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Girl's Night!

Wellllll my frand Elle decided she was gonna take me out last night for a girl's night. We went to a very nice restaurant, had some good wine. Then decided to go Karaoke'ing.. lol

Had a blast!

Lot's of food!


Oh yes, Burger King

Kimchi...Kimchi...It is good for you and me... (not really)

Elle in the Happy Liquor Pia.. Love the lights in that place (minus the chicken feet)

Like woah.