Monday, July 21, 2008


Freedom got us in for housing on Yongsan! I couldn't be happier. I've learned a lot up here in Uijeongbu, but it is time for change.

Cheyanne needs to go part time in daycare so she can keep learning and also for the interaction with other kids. Mommy needs her time to herself.. for sanity purposes As well as school.. LOL!

Once we get moved, I'll update. I'm not sure when it will be. The only date I have right now is 1 September.

Here's a couple newer pictures for you
Chey's swimming spot.

Wednesday Lunches :)Me trying to lure her with some pudding.
Lunch @ Tiffany's
Chey, Sydnee & Kyle

Telling Paige Brooke Happy Birthday.
.Wish we could've been there baby girl.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What a crazy evening...

I was on my way back from dropping a friend off and was at a stop light.. the front spot mind you. Then this Ambulance comes racing from my right and a tow truck is coming from the opposite direction as me, and they plow into each other.. One of the guys came flying out of the ambulance and the tow truck went into a building.

I hope those ppl live.. I also thank my lucky stars that neither one tried to avoid the other and hit us.. it happened like RIGHT in front of me..

자유 & 티나 Living in South Korea

So as you all know. We're here in South Korea. Not by choice, but it's all in what you make it. I'm trying VERY hard to make it something good. LOL


Children's Grand Park

Signal Ball - May 2008

Locust Festival

Our Apartment Bldg's from Afar

Another of the Locust Festival

Bowling in the Apartment

Our 4th.

We went down to Chinhae Naval Base WAY southern part of South Korea. It was a really good time except the fact that we didn't make it to the beach. Maybe next time.. Chey and me were both feeling bad.. have a cold or something.