Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We're going home to visit!

Freedom surprised me last Friday with the news. We're going to be home from Nov 22 to Dec 22. I cannot wait to get home and see the kids and Rachel and also Brenda. Man, It has been a long 8 months. I think going home is the refresher we needed.

This past weekend we went out with a couple I met just recently Melissa and Her husband, as well as another couple that they knew Grace & Fritz. We had a blast. I think with Freedom being sick it hit him harder than usual. But all in all, we had a really good time.

Chey started gymnastics on Monday too, she looked so cute. She seemed to enjoy it also!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Weekend Re-cap.

This weekend was pretty good. Trick or Treating wasn't until Saturday. Chey had a blast, this is the first year I think she actually grasped what she needed to say, and actually enjoy her candy. We went on Yongsan to just one neighborhood and I think she made out pretty good for an hour of trick or treating.

The aftermath.

We celebrated Freedom's birthday on Friday night for us and the Fam.
Birthday cake (German Chocolate)

Then after that we went out to celebrate Freedom's Birthday. Freedom's friend Rob went with us. I think it's the first time all three of us were able to go out together. We went to Scrooge's and also to Gecko's. We obviously had a good time, almost too good of a time, from the hangover.

View from Scrooge's

There were some people dressed up for Halloween

So that's the recap of our Halloween weekend. It was pretty good. The seasons changing has me down a bit, but I'm sure I'll snap back eventually. Nothing that Wellbutrin can't fix.. hahahaha.